Friday, December 27, 2019

The Impact Of Brexit On The Uk Economy Essay - 1219 Words

On June 24th, British residents made the collective decision to part away from the European Union. This exit is also referenced as â€Å"Brexit†. This came as a shock that resonated across the economic markets. This decision trails along greater economic repercussions that will negatively affect the U.K. and global financial markets. The growth in vagueness concerning economic growth in the United Kingdom is the general driver for the instantaneous reaction in the economic markets. Brexit will unavoidably amplify the discrepancy between the UK and their international exchange associates. There are numerous amounts of large businesses, uncertain of future admission to the communal European market for goods and services. This is probable to delay or even freeze their main assets in the U.K. And since global business is extremely interconnected, the prospect of a worldwide economic slowdown becomes more plausible. The effect of Brexit is not solely limited to the UK economy: Britain is one of the major economies in the world, introducing billions of pounds value of goods and services from other countries. If British trades and businesses decline their imports from overseas as a result to their deteriorating buying authority, they will trigger other economies to slow down. The Economist Group predict that for each point drop in the United Kingdom economy’s progress, the supplementary European nations will experience one-half to one-third-of-one-point drop, subsequently resulting inShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Brexit On The Uk Economy1982 Words   |  8 Pagesextent would the predicted impact of Brexit, on the UK economy, come true? Brexit, Britain’s exit from Europe. On Thursday the 23rd of June 2016, Britain voted in favour of leaving the European Union and standing alone for the first time since 1973. Many predictions and economic forecasts were made pre referendum, but to what extent were these scaremongering tactics or how accurate were they? I intend to examine the economic impact of Brexit, so far, on the UK economy and whether it is ethicallyRead MoreThe Impact Of Effect On Macroeconomic On The Uk1540 Words   |  7 Pages The Brexit impact on Macroeconomic in the Uk Student Number : 0010896606 Group : DW Date : 13 March INTRODUCTION: This report will explain the meaning of Brexit and introduce the influence of Brexit on macroeconomic in Britain. The definition of Brexit is that the Unite Kingdom (UK) will exit from European Union (EU), which raising concern around the world. Brexit has drawn greater worldwide attention, then the increasing number of questions which about the damaging of British macroeconomicRead MoreWhat Is The Impact Of The Uk Decision To Leave The EU?879 Words   |  4 PagesKingdom’s (UK) decision to leave the European Union (EU) there has been numerous questions and uncertainty of how this will impact the British economy and its trade market. By enlarge the majority of large businesses argue that it will have a negative impact and consequently have backed out of protentional new investments in the UK because of this uncertainty. An example of this is Lloyd’s of London who have axed plans for a new sharing worth potentially 9 billion pounds due to post- Brexit instabilityRead Mo reMarket Entropy: The Effects Of Brexit On The Uk Economy.1574 Words   |  7 PagesMarket Entropy: The Effects of Brexit on the UK Economy Entropy, a term that describes the randomness or more importantly lack of predictability of a system, can be applied to the British referendum held on June 23, 2016, on whether to leave the European Union (EU) or to remain a part of it. The lead up to the referendum saw divisive sides formed, those adamant that Brexit would only lead to an economic disaster, and those who viewed a Brexit as an opportunity for economic freedom. The outcome ofRead MoreMacroeconomic Affect On Uk From Long Term And Short Term Sides1590 Words   |  7 PagesKingdom holds The Brexit vote. The situation for the stay in Europe camp won 17,410,742 votes, off the European camp won 16,141,241 million votes; calculate as a percentage of 51.9% to 49.1%. And it will be reaching an agreement after 2 years even the time may be extended. The European process has aroused strong concern in the world, the results have also been the uproar of the world, a variety of evaluation and attention has been following consiste ntly. Obviously, British economy will be changed;Read MoreThe Effects Of Inflation On Economic Growth1126 Words   |  5 Pagesan important indicator of whether a country s economy is healthy. Therefore, many countries are trying to reduce the inflation rate of domestic. However, it not only brings drawbacks. Since 2014, the inflation rate of Britain is continuing to rise. (Ferreira,2017, no page given) Inflation is a fall in the purchasing power of money leads to people spend much money on buying cheap goods. The inflation rate is the change in average prices in an economy over a given period of time. (Anderton,2008, pageRead MoreEconomic Growth And Development Of South Africa1193 Words   |  5 Pages(cited by Vollgraaf 2016:p2) as a result of Brexit South Africa’s economic growth is expected to have a 0.1% cut-back due to its trading relations with the countries concerned. Bowler (2016:p1) stated that the UK’s pound depreciated after the Brexit occurrence, which c ould result in the UK’s imports being expensive. The country will be inclined to import less causing its trading import partners to suffer in the process. 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The UK has been a member of the European Union (EU) since 1973 and the EU gives many economic benefits to member’s countries, such as free movement of labour, harmonisation of regulations and the stability of being in the world’s largest trade block within 28 united countries. The interest of many UK and non UK Citizens dwelled on the idea of what will happen the UK’sRead MoreEffects On The Capital Market Union1245 Words   |  5 PagesEffects On the Capital Market Union Due to Brexit: Positive or Negative? Fluctuations in the economy are normal anywhere in the world and have gone through multiple series of highs and lows ever since scholars began the study of economics. One of the most well-known economic booms occurred when the Industrial Revolution began in the United Kingdom. Coincidentally, the recently announcement of the exit of United Kingdom (UK) from the European Union (EU) caused a great deal of uncertainty among investors

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Antecedents in the Life of Bob Ansett - 1453 Words

Topic: Personal, sociological and environmental antecedents have been identified in the entrepreneurial business. You are to find an article on an entrepreneur in a tourism or hospitality business and discuss your entrepreneur’s personal, sociological and environmental antecedents. Personal, sociological and environmental antecedents experienced by an individual and the consequences of these antecedents are critical in determining whether that individual has the capacity to become an entrepreneur or not (Zahra et al. 1999). For the purposes of this essay, the entrepreneur under discussion is Robert Ansett, an Australian entrepreneur in the transport and tourism industry. The reason for choosing this individual for this is essay is†¦show more content†¦This innate trait of a high need of achievement was one of the sociological antecedents responsible for the then enormous success of the company. A third sociological antecedent that relates to this entrepreneur is the ability to lead people to achieve a vision. Mr. Ansett was a firm believer in employee relations. He applied the philosophy of taking care of employees to his own leadership style, introducing staff health and fitness programs at Budget. Keeping his employees inspired was one of Mr. Ansett’s main goals at the company and this resulted in his employees being highly inspired and taking Budget to a strong market position against competitors (Bob Ansett’s Achievements – About Bob Ansett n.d.). The third category of antecedents that have shaped the career of Bob Ansett’s entrepreneurial career are the environmental antecedents. Studies by Petrof (1981) have shown that whether or not an individual’s father has started a company is the key factor that has an impact on the entrepreneurial process of an individual from an environmental point of view. This ties in with the personal antecedent as Mr. Ansett was born into a tourism and transport environment with an entrepreneur for a father. Although he started gaining insights of his father’s life only at age 32, this greatly influenced Mr. Ansett’s decision to start his own business and become aShow MoreRelatedStrategic Marketing Management337596 Words   |  1351 PagesStrategies for market nichers Military analogies and competitive strategy: a brief summary The inevitability of strategic wear-out (or the law of marketing gravity and why dead cats only bounce once) The influence of product evolution and the product life cycle on strategy Achieving above-average performance and excellence Summary 387 390 396 423 425 427 427 427 428 438 447 461 463 465 474 478 484 489 493 495 497 497 497 498 500 505 510 515 517 518 520 522 523 528 528 534 Stage Three: How might

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Media Reflection Assignment-Free-Samples

Question: Media Reflection Assignment Prepare an analysis of a Current (published after 1 July 2017) Australian newspaper/media article that relates to the material covered. Answer: Media Reflection Assignment The article by Brendan Bale dated October 22nd, 2017 is an Australian based publication that relates to business law in Australia. It is about the ability of live music venues to keep in check noise complaints by attaining state government grants. Live music venue businesses often make most of their profits through the music they play to their audience whereby business is usually at its peak late at nights. But the author notes that such businesses experience the hurdles of noise complaints which result in fines, shut down, or being forced to renovate to reduce the noise (Bale, 2017). The business law now enables live music venues to attain state government grants that enable them to reduce the noise complaints. Moreover, the question most asked is if this move by the government is enough to reduce noise to the neighbors. But it is not enough to simply obtain state government grants to reduce neighbor complaints about noise. Live music scenes need live music policies and not those that force them to close such as the quick-fire policy which targets issues such as alcohol-fuelled violence (Shaw, 2013). Most of the laws have proved to be an obstacle to live music businesses in spite of the changes to the licensing laws that have made it easier for some of them to stay in business. According to Shaw (2013), the innovative planning and liquor licensing regulation forces the response to different situations such as for residential buildings near the area to cover soundproofing cost and other measures to reduce noise complaints. But with the increased residential development around Melbournes live music scene, there would most likely be quite a lot of neighbor complaints and developing the residential areas through soundproofing and other measures would help reduce them. This article is directly related to the class discussion as it clearly shows the business laws behind live music venues such as the innovative planning and liquor licensing regulation and the quick-fire policy affect the industry. These laws were put in place to control the nuisance brought about by live music supporting the provision of the entertainment while controlling the noise (Gallan, 2012). But since the cost of managing and limiting the noise is often expensive, the government considered offering them help through grants. The addition of government grants to the business planning laws of 2014 with the main purpose of curbing noises from such business premises came as an advantage to the live music industry since it indicates that before opening live music venues, it is important to consider the surrounding area and the presence of hotels and pubs. According to Dunton (2015), the live music venues are not entirely to blame in this case but also the residents of new homes whic h relates to the course content which advises businesses to upgrade their buildings as possible and for residential buildings to do the same. Hence, this article relates to the business law in the class content through the application of the law to live music venues with the intent of curbing noise complaints. Reference List Bale, B 2017, Live music venues can now get state government grants to curb noise complaints: is it enough?, Domain media. Dunton, J 2015, 'How London mayor is proposing to protect capital's live music venues',Planning (14672073), no. 2016, p. 10. Gallan, B 2012, 'Gatekeeping Night Spaces: the role of booking agents in creating local live music venues and scenes',Australian Geographer, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 35-50. Shaw, K 2013, A live music scene needs a live musicpolicy, The Conversation.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Single Adoption Essays - Family Law, Adoption Law,

Single Adoption Should Single Individuals be Allowed to Adopt There are some conflicts concerning whether or not single individuals are capable to adopt. This paper discusses why singles have the need to adopt. It also discusses some issues they may encounter when considering adoption. In addition, provided is my personal opinion as to why I believe single parents should be able to adopt. The desire to raise a family and nurture a child is common among both married couples and singles. Single individuals may wish to adopt a child in order to fulfill their need to nurture. They may feel as though their life may be incomplete and therefore consider adopting a child. One single commented ?I had a stable job and could give a child many benefits.? (, 2000) Children are placed in orphan homes due to various reasons. Such reasons may include abuse, abandonment, neglect, homelessness or death. There is an extremely high amount of children who are in need of a stable home. For example, in 1998 there were 42,000 children in the New York City foster care. Of those 42,000, 6,500 children had parental rights terminated and were in pre-adoptive placements. Five hundred of those children had rights completely terminated and were in the need of a home. Approximately 8,000 children were expected to have their parental rights terminated. Therefore, they would become eligible to be put up for adoption. Many single individuals have an awareness that these children have needs and feel that they can provide a better life for them. A teacher commented, ?Because I continually saw children in my special education classes who live in institutions or went from foster home to foster home, I decided that even as a single parent I could do more for a child.? (, 2000) (, 2000) (Feeney, 1998) There are many conflicts that singles face when they decide that they wish to adopt a child. These conflicts arise within their personal environment as well as within agencies and institutions. When a single decides that he or she wishes to adopt a child, friends and family members may suggest otherwise. Friends and family members may insist that the single is placing a burden on his or herself. They may question the single as to why they are considering such a responsibility. Many singles who consider adopting a child are well educated and have careers. Friends and family members may feel that it would interfere with one's personal responsibilities. They may also believe that the single is placing a burden on his or herself since they would be raising a single parent household. (, 2000) Agencies and institutions may give singles a hard time with approving their request for adoption. Some agencies have certain policies in regards to single adoptions. Meanwhile, other agencies do not accept single applicants at all. Some biological factors concerning single parents have been emphasized by the media. Such factors describe single parents as being of low-income and struggling. These factors have become stereotypes for single men and women. However, according to the Committee For Single Adoptive Parents, many single parents do not fit this description. Many single parents within this organization are middle class. In addition, nearly half of its members are in good career fields such as: teachers and social workers. The majority of singles who request to adopt a child are college graduates and have earned postgraduate degrees. However, they still tend to be a minority while the majority of adoptive parents are couples. Therefore, singles in addition must compete with coup les who request adoption. Until the 1980s it was nearly impossible for a single male or female to adopt a child at any age. Single applicants were normally considered for the placement of children who needed much care and attention. Due to personal responsibilities singles may have difficulty caring for a child with disabilities and handicaps. Singles are normally adopt children who are disabled, handicapped or of a racial minority. Even when a single wishes to adopt an infant he or she normally adopts a child from another country. Singles basically adopt children who are in an urgent need of a home. Single males who adopt children encounter more difficulties as compared to female singles. Men have difficulty adopting a