Saturday, February 22, 2020

Therapeutic Recreation Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Therapeutic Recreation Paper - Essay Example Statements like â€Å"I was treated like an object or my needs were not addressed with care† have become an agonizing music to my ears, wishing that something be done about all this. It is my belief that medical care and most importantly therapeutic recreation should embrace care giving in the service they give in order to live a more positive impact. The perception and view that patients or clients are ‘diagnostic label hung on an illness’ as Okeefe puts it, rather than an individual in need of recovering, growing and developing to me is intolerable. This perception is that many doctors and other professionals in the health care industry treat clients as objects; this leads to a casual relationship between clients and healthcare facilities leaving the clients unsatisfied. It is this notion that the financial, profits and research objectives are prioritized over care giving. This for instance has led to the development of mistrust between patients and health care providers as the former continues to experience personal biases and mistreatment in the services he or she is receiving. Personally, I have had quite a share of unpleasant experiences where I have been objectified in the past by being taken from one hospital room to the next, being treated impolitely and not being given considerations to what my needs are among others. Therefore, the trends that emanate form this article by O’keefe are appealing deductions and suggestions about care giving and therapeutic recreation. For the reason that therapeutic is a sub field in the medical field, recent trends have indicated that the field is continually drifting from its initial premises that it had to medical fundamentals and basis. This has deprived therapeutic recreation that is meant to help people having problems coping with the environment, themselves and others of the care they deserve. The article by O’Keefe has helped me learn that the field of therapeutic recreation is not what used to be and, for this reason, it should be changed back to what it was and even better. For this to happen, proper leadership devoid of personal interests and promotion is necessary to steer this field back to the right direction by formulating proper polices and regulations. Another trend that is presented in the article by O’Keefe and that I notice and identify with is the central idea of care giving. Care is stressed throughout the article and leaves the impression and emphasis of the author about the subject. As I have mention briefly above, the idea that care should be central in the leadership and provision of therapeutic recreation. Health care providers should exercise care when providing their services because it leads to a positive development of the client and the relationship involved. Be it in terms of assessing, evaluating, or administering treatment, it is essential to exercise care and concern to patients in order to improve the situations they are for the better. There are a few things that I have learned in the course of reading the article by O’Keefe. First, I have learnt more on the different types of care that should be included in therapeutic recreation leadership and practice. In addition, the care has been divided into four phases that I conclude will be of significant

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Digital Marketing Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Digital Marketing - Coursework Example In email digital marketing, the organization in question reaches out to the target market through email communication which are meant to provide particulars of the product and the benefits to the consumers. In video marketing such as YouTube, a video description of the product just like in traditional marketing is uploaded for the entire online users. Social media marketing involves the use of Facebook, twitter and LinkedIn to reach out to the digital population and introduce the products to them. LinkedIn acts as a professional networking site that not only provides an opportunity for employer and employee to interact but also to the buyers and sellers. Search engine optimization is a marketing approach adopted by organizations with online presence to improve their rating within different search engines. Properly optimized sites are highly visible in the internet and this makes it easy for visitors to access such sites and acquire the information intended by the organization (Changhyun 265). A site that is ranked highly based on the search engine results is frequently visited and this influenced by the level of the contents in the site and the stream of visitors. With the development of internet marketing, the adoption of SEO as a technique has allowed marketers to act based on the behavior of internet users and designing their information in line with such behaviors. As a result, the keywords that are regularly typed into the search engines by internet users are optimized in the information presented on the website and this increases the rating of the same (Panda 60). Different approaches exist that have been adopted for the process of optimizing websites and this influences the success of the site and the frequency of the visitors. For example, most SEO professionals edit the content of the website by adding keyword and catchy phrases that are frequently searched by internet users. Other sites can