Thursday, August 27, 2020

My First Day on the Job Essay Example For Students

My First Day hands on Essay I could never have accepted that I was going to work in a retail location before arriving at the age of sixteen, however I really got to. It was an astonishing day. I was happy, excited, and euphoric. It was unquestionably not your normal school day, since ordinarily I’m adhered in school duplicating notes for the entire day. It was the morning of November 27, 2013, the most frosty day of the year. I ventured out of the vehicle, got my lunch sack, and bolted the entryways. When I left the vehicle the sound of a bomb going off resounded all through the abandoned parking garage. I immediately glanced around to see where the over the top sound had originated from, yet observed nothing. My mom instructed me to get inside rapidly, so I hurried through the wet snow to the front of the store. On my way over the parking area I looked up towards the sign over the passage, and saw a colossal hole toward the start of the work â€Å"Marks. † The â€Å"M† more likely than not been pried off the plaster divider and vanished into the blowing day off. The second I ventured into the store I was welcomed by Linda, who might be preparing/working with me for the afternoon. She was exceptionally short, accommodating, and extremely sweet. For around 1 hour Linda demonstrated me around the store, and disclosed to me the correct and the ill-advised systems and rules. At nine oclock sharp the store was opened, and numerous clients raced through the entryways talking among one another. At the point when a client carried their things to the money, I would evacuate the security labels, by utilizing an exceptional device (it took AWHILE to get the hang of). In the mean time Linda would work the sales register, because I was excessively youthful. My early introduction of the day was that there would be a great deal of weight for me to complete all my alloted undertakings and obligations. I was thoroughly off-base, it appeared as though I didnt have any work whatsoever. The entirety of the representatives worked with each other, making everyone’s occupations significantly simpler. During my mid-day break I got the opportunity to eat before an enormous level screen TV, which looked fresh out of the plastic new. The break room had a microwave, broiler, dishwasher, ice chest, cooler, toaster, and an espresso machine. The smell of the room was a mix of overcooked lasagna, and newly prepared cereal treats. My lunch was disappointing, it felt amazingly soaked, and tasted unpredictable, on the grounds that it had been made the prior night. After my mid-day break, Gary took me to the rear of the store, which was utilized as a getting zone and kept the additional product. He clarified their framework behind the mystery codes that is on all the items. I found the neatness of the workspace impeccable, and I had the option to discover everything that I expected to finish the entirety of my undertakings. In general, I had an exceptional encounter, and it was a genuine eye opener for me. I adored the way that all the individuals I conversed with answered to me with either a â€Å"thank-you,† a â€Å"your welcome,† or a â€Å"great work. † I accept that if the educational committee hadn’t furnished the evaluation nines with this chance, I wouldnt recognize what to get ready for, or what's in store when I go to my first real activity. Another gigantic thing I understood was that, my mom (aide director) didnt simply sit on her butt throughout the day. She has a gigantic measure of issues, assignments, and grievances to all arrangement with each and every day.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Red Badge Of Courage Self Importance Essay Example For Students

Red Badge Of Courage Self Importance Essay Zack AndreRED BADGE OF COURAGERed Badge of Courage Physical and passionate torment is the thing that the worn out solider represents in the book. The worn out solider torment originates from the entirety of the frightful things related with war. Him going insane brings passionate agony and the physical torment is welcomed on by the endu rances of war. There was a worn out man, fouled with residue, blood and powder stain from hair to shoes, who walked unobtrusively at the young people side. The worn out solider additionally describes the sturdiness individuals can charm. Indeed, even through the brutality of war individuals will discover something within them, conquer it and not let it trouble them. The worn out solider goes out and survives the extreme strengths of war however he discovers something within him to live through it. The ideal solider is the thing that Jim Conklin brings to the book. Jim never grumbles about war and battles in the same class as the following man. A signi ficant number of the individuals admire Jim in light of the fact that he is so solid willed. The regiments nearly admire Jim in an otherworldly manner find ing harmony within them when they consider him. It is a disaster when Jim bites the dust due to the entirety of the ethical motivation he gave the regiment. Consistent with his character Jim kicks the bucket a calm and serene passing not appropriating any of the regiment. Wilson speaks to the different sides of human instinct. In the start of the book Wilson is a mean intense person that nobody loved. This outward demonstration of being tuff is only a front of the genuine idea of Wilson. It is normal for individuals to cover their actual natur e before new faces. Towards the finish of the book Wilson begins to think about Henry. hen Henry is harmed and he doesnt attempt and battle different men any longer. Consistent with human instinct once times begin getting increasingly troublesome and Wilson turns out to be more comforta ble with his environmental factors he rises above into the quiet caring individual he truly is. The entirety of the characters in the Red Badge of Courage speak to some part of man either genuinely or inwardly. This association between the characters and the peruser make the book consistent with life and progressively credible. Since the characters feel so genuine, phy sically and inwardly, the peruser has a simpler time identifying with them.

Friday, August 21, 2020

How to Get Help Writing a Research Paper

How to Get Help Writing a Research PaperBefore you can start the writing process, you need to consider how you will get help writing a research paper. Here are a few examples:Some teachers or professors will be willing to give you extra help with writing a research paper. Ask around to find out if anyone you know has an idea for a topic that they would be willing to read your paper on. Having someone read it for you can be a big help in determining how well you are going to do.Another thing you can do is to go online and ask others who have written a research paper to help you out. If you have read a number of research papers on a given topic, then this might be a good option for you. These people may be willing to offer you advice on how to write a good paper or may even give you a great topic idea to work with.The other thing you can do for help writing a research paper is to consult with a good writer. They may offer you a topic idea or they may be able to give you professional ad vice. You can find a lot of help writing a research paper from online sources. Many good writers are willing to offer their assistance to help you make your research paper more useful.If you don't know anyone else who can help you with your research paper, then you can hire a writer to do it for you. A professional writer will be able to help you out with the writing process. Hiring a writer will also be less expensive than having someone read over your paper for you or paying for someone to be with you for a week.While the above suggestions will help you get help writing a research paper, if you are the type of person who is the most creative, then you may want to do the writing yourself. If you are creative, then you may be able to come up with a great topic idea of your own. It takes a lot of time and hard work to write a research paper, so you should take your time to really find something that you like doing.It is also important that you choose a topic that you will be interest ed in when you begin your research paper. Many topics are very boring, so it is important that you choose something that will interest you. You may also want to choose a topic that is outside of your field.As you can see, there are many ways to get help writing a research paper. Once you decide what method of getting help is best for you, make sure that you find someone who will be able to write a good research paper for you. You do not want to waste your time or money on a paper that was poorly written.

Monday, May 25, 2020

The War Of 1812 - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 9 Words: 2646 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2019/05/18 Category History Essay Level High school Tags: Civil War Essay War Essay Did you like this example? The Appomattox Court House is not just a location or building, it holds a monumental significance to which none can beat. The Appomattox Courthouse was home to Wilmer McLean, who ironically took the house up because he did not like his previous home location, where he witnessed the first battle of manassas. He would get away where there wouldnt be any more fighting and so he moved to the Appomattox Court House which is where they decided to end the war. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The War Of 1812" essay for you Create order The Appomattox Courthouse was such a big even that anything could have altered the results. THe surrender could have never happened, Richard E Lee could have been stubborn and not seen the end result and the war would have continued until it stopped due to the lack of soldiers, which is why the surrender took place in the first place. We never realize how dramatic the surrender really was, we have been taught the simple facts like who won and lost. Below you will take a walk with both ULysses S.Grant and Richard E. Lee to experience the infamous surrender at the Appomattox Courthouse. The War of 1812 was from June 1812 through February 1815 peace arrangements started in late 1814, slow communication caused the downfall of many of the soldiers, due to the fact that they continued to fight because they hadnt found out of a surrender. The War of 1812 became a global conflict. England and France spent 1789 through 1815 fighting for superiority . The British were impressing or forcibly drafting, American sailors at sea as well as blocking American trade with France both of these were also spillover policies from the British prosecution of the war with France. The war at the end led to a peaceful trade system between Britain, the United States, and Canada. But the war also caused tensions towards the north and south, the north did not want to go to war with Britain as it was then the Industrial Revolution. But the south on the other hand did, saying how the French helped them when they needed it, so to pay them back they helped them. The War of 1812 was not a war between two nations, but rather a civil war, in which brother fought brother in a borderland of mixed peoples. There are really four parts that makes this was a civil war. One,was the American government versus the British over who would rule upper Canada. Next was the fact that the Federalsists were against the war and some were even in favor of the British, and would help them to win. The third point I have not heard of very much, which is the Irish. The Irish just immigrated to the U.S and are having to fight against one another. And the last point that will be made is well known, the Indians. The Native Americans took it upon themselves to join the British and fight agaisnt the U.S in hopes that if they win then the U.S will no longer try to push them out of their lands. Lee saw that there was no way to continue the war, with how his arm lay as well as the fact that he only had 30,000 soldiers left, half of which were weaponless. It was time to disco ntinue the war. Lee states, There is nothing left me but to go and see General Grant, and I had rather die a thousand deaths. Even though we see over and over again that there was no way he could continue, there is no way he could still continue even though more than half of his men were hurt. We have to understand that the surrender at the Appomattox Courthouse could have definitely not happened. Richard E Lee could have definitely continued to fight. If he had lesser moral integrity he could have carelessly just told his men to take to the hills, to fight as partisans and guerrillas and not look back until each men had fallen. This would have caused the war to be going on year after year, month after dreadful month, until they killed every Yankee they encountered south of the Mason- Dixon Line. Instead, he used his brain and told Colonel Charles Marshall to go forward and find a house where he could meet General Grant. Ulysses S Grant seems like a rational man as well. If you read his personal mem oirs that were published in 1885 it talks about how he feels sadness and depressed even though he should be joyous about the downfall of a foe who had fought so long and valiantly, and had suffered so long for a cause.. He also seems to admire how Richard E Lee dresses and composes himself. In his memoir it statesI must have contrasted very strangely with a man so handsomely dressed, six feet high and of faultless form. In his personal memoirs it seems as if they are almost like friends. He seems so state how their conversation was so pleasant that I almost forgot the object of our meeting. Ulysses S Grant proves to be a rational man when he proposes his terms for Lees army. He told Lee that he simply just wanted his army to lay down their arms and not to take them back up for the rest of the war, unless dutly and properly exchanged. He would not take any prisoners, but he just requested that Lees narmy lay down their arms until called upon because even the the principal confederate army had vanished the war was still not over. The surrender at the Appomattox deserves an award for how well each side took it. Ulysses S. Grant was very mature and wanted no harm or arguments with his opposing side, he even allowed the officers to keep their sidearms and horses. He even said that everyone would get to return to their homes, not to be disturbed by United States authority so long as they observe their par oles In one of the letters Grant wrote to Lee it states: In accordance with the substance of my letter to you of the 8th instant, I propose to receive the surrender of the Army of N. Va. on the following terms; to wit: Rolls of all the officers and men to be made in duplicate one copy to be given to an officer designated by me, the other to be retained by such officer or officers as you may designate. The officers to give their individual paroles not to take up arms against the Government of the United States until properly exchanged and each company or regimental commander sign a like parole for the men of their commands. The arms, artillery, and public property are to be parked and stacked and turned over to the officer appointed by me to receive them. This will not embrace the side arms of the officers, nor their private horses or baggage. This done officers and man will be allowed to return to their homes not to be disturbed by United States authority so long as they observe their parole and the laws in force where they may reside. But we can not give Ulysses all the credit, Robert E Lee also had a major part in this, if he listened to some of his generals about the fact that he should disperse the troops and start a guerilla warfare, which would indeed have been very difficult for the union army to stamp out. Then it would lead to prolonged bitterness and prevent any reconcil iation. Now if this was any other person then maybe the surrender at Appomattox Courthouse might have not ended so peacefully, or for that matter might not have even occured. Before we can point fingers we must establish what went down before the surrender at the Appomattox Courthouse. After leaving Petersburg, Lees malnourished army headed west to try and find a path around Grants army. Fighting all day as if to not stop until every last man was down to the ground. There were small fights breaking out all around them, which made up side shows of the main performance. With all that was going on General Lee maintained to keep his soldiers spirits high with his calm and cheerful presence. Lee and his army had gone through hell and back, and to add on to this baggage the Union troops decided to , in the Battle of Saylers Creek, cut off and capture a third of Lees army. With all this Lee and his army marched on, they tried to slow down the Union troops by burning down a bridge, which ultimately had no effect because the union soldiers came intime to blow out the fire. You would think by now Lee would be ready for a surrender, but even after Grant sent him a letter for surrender, he just gave it off to JAmes Longstreet who said, No not yet. And with that the soldiers got back up thinking that God would be on their side only to find that once again they would fall, and thi s time Lee agreed to the surrender, because there was nothing left for him, and he knew that if they kept on fighting, all of his soldiers would just die off. The surrender at the Appomattox Courthouse can be seen as a peaceful yet stressful time. We dont realize how stressful this must have been for Lee, we only know that, oh Grant won against lee and thats about it. With the research done we can see that Grant had a lengthy conversation with Lee to plan the surrender, as well as Grant having a panic attack as one should right before meeting General Lee. All of which will be explained in the following paragraph. After the Union troops had most obviously won, there had appeared to be a night march that, had become a grand review, with Grant as the reviewing officer. Three men had visited General Grant, about sending some sort of message to Lee to end any further bloodshed. So with that request in mind Grant proceeded to write, The results of the last week must convince you of the hopelessness of further resistance on the part of the army of Northern Virginia in this struggleby asking of you the surrender ofthe Army of Northern Virginia. Af ter Lee received the letter he went on to say how he agreed with not wanting any more useless bloodshed, therefore before considering your proposition, ask terms you will offer on condition of surrender. So Grant layed down all of his conditions, but seeing how much Lee had suffered he didnt make it that Lees army had to be prisoners, he gave them food and anything they needed. Grant and his army headed in the direction of the Appomattox, and stopped at many places for food and shelter until they reached their final destination. At the end of their trip Grant started feeling sick. General Grant had been suffering from a severe headache, the result of fatigue, anxiety,and loss of sleep We would think this is due to some sort of food poisoning or sickness, but no. This was merely because he was anxious to meet Lee as well as the fact that he was getting sick.. As General Grant lay at rest on the sofa, Colonel Charles A. Whittier handed him the letter that Lee wrote to him saying, In mine of yesterday I did not intend to propose the surrender of the army of Northern Virginia.To be frank, I do not think the emergency has arisen to call for the surrender but the restoration of peace shoul d be the sole object of all And So Grant replied saying how he agreed that peace was their number one priority as well. He then sent the location for the interview and continued to head straight to the Appomattox Courthouse. Lee was there and ready for them. He met a man named Wilmer Mclean who was a resident and showed him to a house, but Lee didnt feel it spacious enough. This is when he was led to Mcleans own house, which was said to be one of the finest in town. Lee and his army was there first so they went inside and gto comfortable. Later then did General Grant arrive, and him and his army slowly and quietly situated themselves in the room. As the two leaders sat across from each other they both had a strong contrast. First off General Grant was almost forty-three years and Richard E. Lee was almost sixty-three years. He had a normal height of five feet and eight inches, whereas Lee was much taller with a good six feet in height. General Grants uniform could be said as that of a private soldier. Then we look over at Lee and see he has on his best outfit, and that all the men around him are wearing clean pressed uniforms of felt and silk. Colonel Marshal explained this contrast best by saying, when their headquarters wagons had been pressed so closely by our cavalry a few days before, and it was found they had to destroy all their baggage , except the clothes they carried on their backs, each one naturally, selected the newest suit he had, and sought to perpetuate the god of destruction by a sacrifice of his second best. After three days there was a formal ceremony taken place to the break up of Lees army and parole of his men which ended the war. We see this in the picture to the right, we also notice what Colonel Marshal said about how the Union didnt dress as high class as Lees army. Richard E Lee left his men with his very thoughtful words which state: After four years of arduous service, marked by unsurpassed courage and fortitude, the Army of Northern Virginia has been compelled to yield to overwhelming numbers and resources. I need not tell the brave survivors of so many hard fought battles who have remained steadfast to the last, that I have consented to this result from no distrust of them, But feeling that valor and devotion could accomplish nothing that could compensate for the loss that would have attended the continuance of the contest, I determined to avoid the useless sacrifice of those whose past services have endeared them to their countrymen. By the terms of the agreement, Officers and men can return to their homes and remain until exchanged. You will take with you the satisfaction that proceeds from the consciousness of duty faithfully performed and I earnestly pray that a merciful God will extend to you His blessing and protection. With an unceasing admiration of your constancy and devotion to your country, and a grateful remembrance of your kind and generous consideration of myself, I bid you all an affectionate farewell. The surrender at the Appomattox Courthouse was such a huge event it became something of myth. It all started with Richard E Lee leaving the courthouse, out of everyone Lee took it the hardest. Lee should be a role model to us all even after everything that he went through he said nothing and didnt complain he kept his head held high and continued with his wife by his side. Surrendering hadnt been easy for Lee. Sullen from defeat, his own family property in Arlington had been confiscated by Union forces (converted into a Union cemetery with lines of white crosses on the lawn). Even though Lee and his army had to surrender we see that if he was a hot headed person then he would not care if all his soldiers died, he would rather finish the fight even though he was clearly loosing, than calling i t quits before any more unnecessary blood would be shed. In some ways he can be seen as a hero.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Portrayal of Native Americans in Film Essay - 4573 Words

When Columbus first set foot in the New World, he believed that he had arrived in the islands just off the coast of Cipango, known today as China. Thinking this, he called the people that he met Indians, as they lived on the islands that he falsely believed were the Indies. The term Indian spread back to Europe, as did the term Indies, and to this day, Native Americans are known as Indians, and the Caribbean islands are referred to as the West Indies. The Indians populated a much greater area than Columbus could have imagined, covering the land of two Continents. The Native people of these lands, known already by a term in their languages that roughly meant the people, were now thrown into one large group called Indians, which stretched†¦show more content†¦The movies will also be evaluated in how they portray the Native American culture, including clothing, housing, and language. The films 1492, Christopher Columbus and Christopher Columbus: The Discovery are unique in that they all cover the same time period, the same Native Americans and the same general story, which should be common to nearly everyone in North America. Due to this, it is easy to compare and contrast the Tainos, who have the dubious distinction of being the first to come in contact with the white man during the Age of Discovery. It would be quite easy to construct a paper simply contrasting the historical stories that are told within these three films. Not only do the stories vary, and the relationships between certain characters change, but the portrayal of the Native Americans also varies. The first meeting of the Spaniards and the Indians was shown differently in all three of the movies. Christopher Columbus and Christopher Columbus: The Discovery were both similar in that they met with the Indians on the beach, while in 1492, the first encounter did not occur until Columbus moved farther inland, along a stream in the dense jungle. In all three movies, the Tainos were armed with staffs, at least, but in reality the Tainos only used staffs for hunting and fishing purposes. In 1492, the Indians were depicted withShow MoreRelatedFilm Analysis : Reel Injun1626 Words   |  7 PagesReel Injun The film Reel Injun, is a documentary of how Hollywood is portraying Native Americans as well as showing how it is distorting U.S. history. However, that is not the only concern that the movie brought out. The other concern was how Hollywood portrays Native Americans is negatively affecting Native American. Also, the film Reel Injun will be talking about how this view on Native American is changing as time pass by in our own time. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

literature review - 1550 Words

Writing a Literature Review A literature review†¦ †¢ Provides an overview and a critical evaluation of a body of literature relating to a research topic or a research problem. †¢ Analyzes a body of literature in order to classify it by themes or categories, rather than simply discussing individual works one after another. †¢ Presents the research and ideas of the field rather than each individual work or author by itself. A literature review often forms part of a larger research project, such as within a thesis (or major research paper), or it may be an independent written work, such as a synthesis paper. Purpose of a literature review A literature review situates your topic in relation to previous†¦show more content†¦Do they allow the author to address your research question effectively? Is each argument or point based on relevant research? If not, why? - What theoretical approach does the author adopt? Does it allow the researcher to make convincing points and draw convincing conclusions? Are the author’s biases and presuppositions openly presented, or do you have to identify them indirectly? If so, why? - Overall, how convincing is the argument? Are the conclusions relevant to the field of study? Questions for comparing works - What are the main arguments? Do the authors make similar or different arguments? Are some arguments more convincing than others? - How has research been conducted in the literature? How extensive has it been? What kinds of data 3 have been presented? How pertinent are they? Are there sufficient amounts of data? Do they adequately answer the questions? - What are the different types of methodologies used? How well do they work? Is one methodology more effective than others? Why? - What are the different theoretical frameworks or approaches used? What do they allow the authors to do? How well do they work? Is one approach more effective than others? Why? - Overall, is one work more convincing than others? Why? Or are the works you have compared too different to evaluate against each other? The Academic Writing Help Centre offers more information on synthesis and evaluation in the discussionShow MoreRelatedEssay Literature Review1001 Words   |  5 PagesLiterature Review The purpose of this research project is for you to create a scholarly piece of graduate-level research and writing, which conforms to APA format. Competency in the APA format is required of all Business graduates of Liberty University, as set forth by policy of both the Graduate Faculty and the administration. You will research and write a literature review on a topic relevant to our course. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Sociology and Social Science Values and Symbols

Question: Discuss about theSociology and Social Sciencefor Values and Symbols. Answer: Introduction Culture has been explained in various ways. Culture is the way a group of people led their lives in terms of behaviors, attitudes, beliefs, thoughts, values and symbols. They are transferred through communication to succeeding generations. It is a shared system of ideas, perceptions and knowledge by a large number of people. In the broadest sense, culture is a cultivated behavioral pattern which is learned by people; the experiences gathered and are passed on to generations after generations by the means of social learning process. It is symbolic and involves a group of people with common skills and motives (Csikszentmihalyi 2014). The western culture of Australia originates from Britain preliminarily. The geographical positioning of the continent, diversified population of Aboriginals, Torres Strait islanders and other communities also have adequate influence on the culture of Australia (Biddle and Swee 2012). This assignment deals with the terminologies like bogan, sociologists att itudes, impact on social status and individuals view on the term. Bogan is a disparaging terminology used as slang in Australia and New Zealand. Bogan is used to describe such a person whose clothing, way of speaking, behavioral patterns and attitude are believed to be uncultured and unpolished like the British terminology chav (Adams 2013). The illustration of the term bogan depends on the backdrop and accordingly it can be considered as self-effacing or abusive. The term has become ubiquitous and it has been cognized globally. It is often identified as a sub culture and as an instance of bad culture and taste. Other similar terminologies are used locally for describing such groups in the society. The origination of the term bogan is not yet clear, however, it is believed that the terminology came into being from Melbourne. It is believed that the emergence had occurred from the outer part of western as well as eastern suburb regions of Melbourne, during the end of 1970s and beginning of 1980s. The people from the subculture are regarded as bogans . They live in the outer parts of city areas usually. Their teeth do not have braces, any kinds of orthodontia and other types of dental care mostly because of money and opposing attitude to authoritarianism (Gibson 2013). They believe in jingoism and have tattoos locally made, possess extreme love for rock music and Peter Brock. They have anti-social behaviors, habit of drinking excessive alcohol and such addictive agents. The attitude of such people lack in deception, rather they have a tremendous tendency and belief in honesty. They have a typical style of clothing. It includes shirts made of flannels, monkey style hooded apparels, shots from the Australian brand of Stubbies, their underwear and work wears are generally from Pacific bands of Australia. They wear stereotyped footwear that includes thongs, boots and ugg boots. Their bottom wear includes jeans and black colored leggings (Rossiter 2013). The bogans are not accepted and considered to be belonging to middle-class socie ties and standards in terms of eating habits, leisure activities, culture, taste, dressing styles and speech. They are considered inferior by certain groups because of their unacknowledged favoritism. These kinds of behaviors make their lives tougher to a greater extent (Pini, McDonald and Mayes 2012). It was during the 21st century, when the term bogan was held as an indication of pride. Michelle Griffin, in the year 2002 stated that, the term bogan was no more a derogatory term rather it is a way of recognizing the Aussie culture. Many of the Anglo-Saxon citizens of Australia are proud of the term bogan (CHURN 2013). The terminology was considered as a significance of insult, but today it is considered trendy and fashionable to be called as a bogan. National Bogan day was held and celebrated by the radio station Triple J on 28th June, 2002. They devoted the day by playing different musical compositions on rock bands like Cold Chisel, Rose Tattoo, and Midnight Oil and AC/DC. The students specializing in languages at the Auckland University conducted a study in the year 2011 regarding the bogans. It was found that the terminology was considered as a good term by the population below the age group of 30, whereas the population exceeding the stated age group considered it as a bad te rminology (Danielson 2014). Sociologists attitude towards the labelling vary. Mell Campbell stated that one should be aware of labelling people and naming them unless they see themselves in mirrors. The bogans are considered as a sub culture or as a socio economic class, but he stated that bogan is rather a notional terminology that emerged through culture. Moreover, he stated that when the discussions are made on labelling bogans, it implies that one is speaking about the national identity. The labelling is done for making them uncomfortable and creating hypothetical barriers of culture between social classless. His attitude to such terminologies is that when the terms like bogan are used and people belonging to the group are looked down, then one is considered to be disagreeing and arguing on his/her own culture and civilization, this can no way give the Australians any sorts of credit and upliftment in the society as well as globally (Garland, Chakraborti and Hardy 2015). Mark Lanthem stated that Australian seeks prosperity to lead a comfortable life, but their aspirations for materialistic things are never ending. Such things merely provide them with ease and relaxation momentarily. They have a tendency to interfere and pry in others lives. They think that they are the privileged class and hence, being rich is a reward. They sometimes feel nervous and have a fright of going wrong. Hence, to get relieve from their anxiety, they displace it with a sense of superiority and power on others by labelling, pointing and laughing out at them. A French sociologist, Pierre Bourdieu stated that the people from the group can never belong to the higher social standards irrespective of their higher income and economical status. This is so because when they spend or celebrate their lives luxuriously, they are considered wrong hilariously. Bernard Lahire, a French sociologist studied recently that people have mixed tastes in terms of expenses and lifestyles. The wealthy people and the poor ones predom inantly have a specific set of consumer practices, the term like bogans and those belonging the group are considered to be existing nowhere (Gale and Parker 2015). The terminologies like bogan can definitely have some real sensitivities. It is evident from the latest incidents in the city of Logan. Logan is situated on the Southern part of Brisbane and at this place the label of bogan was used with a deprecating attitude (Loughnan et al. 2014). Another incident also witnessed the labelling of the term in a negative way in New South Whales, where two kids were insulted by a lady showing her racist behaviour. The Tusmanian mayor recently called some of his sub ordinates with such labelling. Hence, I think, this labelling is becoming a concern for sensitivity issue worldwide. The social status is associated with races and is being labelled and misnamed. They might become financially strong and seek a comfortable living, yet the high class society and their social values do not accept such groups. They are looked down, called by names, discouraged and retained from progressiveness (Duhamel and Meyerhoff 2015). In my opinion, the term bogan is actually a misnomer used for people who have passion for rock music, wear trendy clothes, footwear, have extreme patriotism, believe in honest behaviours and are not deceptive. Though, they are believed to be antisocial, indulged into bad habits of drinking and chauvinists, they should not be laughed at or called with names. A continent or a country is made up of all kinds of people from different culture and community. They might have different thoughts, perceptions and philosophies of life, yet they are the part of the society. Thus, I strongly oppose to such labelling. I propose that the terminology bogan should be avoided as I believe it is our responsibility to eliminate classicism and social discrimination. Conclusion Culture has different implications by different anthropologists and sociologists. However, in general it is a common practice of skills, beliefs, thoughts, ideas, perceptions and knowledge prevalent among a group of people. It is transferred through social learning to next generation. The terms like bogans are used in Australia and New Zealand for people with stereotyped behaviour, sense of clothing, behavioural pattern and philosophy. They are often thought to be inferior in context to socio-economical status. They are under estimated, segregated from the society, they are not considered anywhere in the consumerism. They are laughed at and comically go amiss when they seek to do better in life and upgrade to the standards of high status. Though the young people have different perception about the terminology than the aged ones, yet the term is becoming a genuine concern for sensitivities around the world with regards to social status. Such labelling must be abandoned and headed towa rds a secular and liberal society. References: Adams, M., 2013. Redneck, Barbaric, Cashed up Bogan? I Don't Think So: Hunting and Nature in Australia.Environmental Humanities,2(1). Biddle, N. and Swee, H., 2012. The relationship between wellbeing and Indigenous land, language and culture in Australia.Australian Geographer,43(3). CHURN, N., 2013. Bogan and the Race that stops the nation.Movements in Time: Revolution, Social Justice and Times of Change. Csikszentmihalyi, M., 2014.Society, culture, and person: A systems view of creativity(pp. 47-61). Springer Netherlands. Danielson, M.B., 2014. Bogans and Boundaries: A perceptual dialectology of Australian English. Duhamel, M.F. and Meyerhoff, M., 2015. An end of egalitarianism? Social evaluations of language difference in New Zealand.Linguistics Vanguard,1(1). Gale, T. and Parker, S., 2015. To aspire: A systematic reflection on understanding aspirations in higher education.The Australian Educational Researcher,42(2). Garland, J., Chakraborti, N. and Hardy, S.J., 2015. It Felt Like a Little War: Reflections on Violence against Alternative Subcultures.Sociology. Gibson, C., 2013. Welcome to Bogan-ville: reframing class and place through humour.Journal of Australian Studies,37(1). Loughnan, S., Haslam, N., Sutton, R.M. and Spencer, B., 2014. Dehumanization and social class.Social Psychology. Pini, B., McDonald, P. and Mayes, R., 2012. Class contestations and Australias resource boom: The emergence of the cashed-up bogan.Sociology. Rossiter, P., 2013. Bogans: A sticky subject.Continuum,27(1).